When is Apple Harvest Season?

Tips for family apple Upick
U-pick is fun for everyone!

When is apple harvest season? As organic apple growers, we know this season inside and out! We’ve perfected the timing at Chelan Ranch to ensure every apple reaches peak flavor and quality.

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Why U-Pick Organic Blueberries?

Uo-pick blueberries

Why U-pick organic blueberries? Have you experienced the magic of gathering food on a farm? We’ll give you a bucket, and off you’ll go for a delightful activity that connects you to nature, offers fresh and delicious fruit, and supports sustainable farming practices.

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Organic Fruit Buying Guide

Garden peppers
Garden peppers

As organic farmers, we decided to create an organic fruit-buying guide. With over 33 years of experience passionately growing our farm organically and maintaining a yearly kitchen garden, we hold our produce to the highest standards.

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How Rainfall Affects Cherry Crops

Helicopter drying wet cherries
As soon as the rain stops, we call the helicopter. The helicopter dries the trees and fruit from above.

Nobody in Chelan looks forward to summer rain. Tourists dread it will ruin their day on the lake, while cherry farmers fear it will spoil their crops. Understanding how rainfall affects cherry crops is crucial for anyone at Lake Chelan during the summer.

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