10 Reasons to U-Pick Our Blueberries in Lake Chelan

Are you making plans for summer 2021 yet? It’s not too early! When there are so many u-pick opportunities in North Central Washington, here are ten reasons to u-pick blueberries in Lake Chelan at our organic farm.
#1 Our blueberries are certified Organic and Salmon Safe
Our certifications give our customers confidence that we adhere to strict growing and farm stewardship rules. Picking blueberries at our farm means you’re in an environment that is healthy for the land, the lake, and all people involved. We think organically grown means a better tasting blueberry. In addition to better flavor, our large organic blueberries are a delight to pick. When you cup your hands and use your thumbs to gently rub the ripe berries off the stem and into your hand, it doesn’t take many berries to fill your cupped hands.

#2 The view from the farm and store is worth the short drive.
The farm and store are located above the lake at the 2,000-foot elevation level in a quiet pastoral setting.

Sometimes we bring our laptops out to work on the porch to enjoy the view. Our high elevation blueberries pick a little later, around the middle of July.

#3 Our enthusiastic team will assist you in all your picking needs
This year because of Covid-19, we didn’t open our farm store. We set up a tent by the store to allow for plenty of space and social distancing.
Our team of blueberry experts prepared well for the outdoor selling arrangement. In between customers, they did some farm goal setting, team building(they’re a new team), and blueberry kombucha tasting. All the setup for advertising, signage, and equipment brought out some hidden talents and strengths. Next summer, u-pick will be the best!

Our gorgeous farm jar flowers even made it to the sales tent. The lavender in front of the store and zinnias and dahlias from my garden provide exquisite blooms for bouquets.

The sandwich board with a cheerful balloon directed people to turn up Chelan Ranch RD to get to the blueberry field. Picking early in the morning when the temperature is cooler is more enjoyable. We end the day around noon, when the temperature exceeds 80 degrees.

If you missed the sandwich board, The Bonanza, a 1978 vintage flatbed Chevy, had more signage to catch your eye!

#4 We provide all the equipment to pick blueberries
Hailey made sure this couple had the right supplies and equipment for a successful blueberry picking experience. We provide the buckets. You provide the excitement for your berry gathering adventure.

#5 Organic farming allows close encounters with nature
This smart berry picker knew to wear a sun hat for protection from the intense sun while picking. After I took her picture, she enthusiastically led me to the bush she was picking to show me what she found.

Under the layers of limbs, she showed me a nest with a little bird family. The baby birds asked if either of us were their mother. Often we see hawks, deer, coyotes, owls, and rabbits.

#6 You’re welcome to pick at your own pace
When you pick our berries, there’s no hurry. Pick at a pace that works for you. You might even need to rest in the shade for a few minutes. We encourage pickers to bring a beverage to stay hydrated will picking.

#7 The big bushes and large rows make this a great family activity
Our bushes are large and plentiful so you can have a section just for you and your family.

#8 Children learn where food comes from
All ages can participate in our U-pick. Children love picking blueberries as they connect to where their food comes from. The experience gives them a sense of ownership over what they eat and choose to eat.

A quick picking lesson is all it takes and your child joins the ranks of veteran pickers.

#9 Exercise outdoors in a clean agrarian environment
The fresh air, sunshine, and gorgeous views elicit lots of smiles. All those big fat blueberries everywhere put a bounce in everyone’s step as you walk around the farm.

#10 Picking blueberries is a mind soothing experience
The blueberry field’s quietness in its serene setting provides a relaxing environment to settle your mind as you pick blueberries.

Are those enough reasons to u-pick at our farm? I hope so! Put us on your calendar for July of 2021, and we look forward to seeing you!