Why are Blueberries Purple, Not Blue?

A cluster of blueberries in varying stages of colors/ripeness
Blueberries’ Actual Color

While blueberries are commonly referred to as “blue,” their actual color is a deep purple. The reason they appear blue is due to the unique way in which our eyes perceive color.

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George and Cherries

George Washington (1731-1799) on engraving from the 1800s. First President of the U.S.A. during 1789-1797 and commander of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War during 1775-1783. He was considered as Father of his country.

Besides chopping down a cherry tree and not telling a lie, our first president did like cherries.

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Abe and Apples

Since President’s day is coming up, we’re celebrating Abraham Lincoln. Abe was a self-made man who became a rural attorney and eventually President. Then he went on to lead the nation through the Civil War. All the while he was doing this, he ate apples.

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What are the Health Benefits of Organic Fruits?

Life is a bowl of organic cherries!

The health benefits of organic fruits are so vast that once fully considered, everyone should purchase only certified organic fruits. Our bodies, communities, and earth need the nutritional profile that only organic land stewardship can produce. Concerns about synthetic pesticide and herbicide residues, genetically modified organisms, toxic water runoff from inefficient irrigation systems and excessive synthetic fertilizer applications, bee and beneficial insect collapse, soil erosion and deterioration, and toxic chemical uptake in root systems from contaminated soil are all reasons to choose certified organic fruits.

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